
Provision of Consumable Items

  AWI excels in the provision of consumable items Afghan Winner International executed the procurement and delivery of consumable cleaning items for office maintenance in Kabul Province. Start Date 2017-04-01 Completion Date 2017-05-01

Provision of Nutrition Extenders

AWI specializes in the provision of nutrition extender services Afghan Winner International facilitated the provision of Nutrition Extenders and implemented streamlined salary processing through bank accounts for UNICEF’s Technical Facilitators nationwide. Start Date 2019-01-01 Completion Date 2019-06-30

Provision of Warehouse Staff Services

AWI specializes in providing comprehensive warehouse staff services Afghan Winner International successfully recruited highly skilled professionals for the management and payroll processing of warehouse supervisors and laborers in Nangarhar Province. Start Date 2019-07-01 Completion Date 2019-12-31